Felix Albu, is professor with Valahia University of Targoviste. Before joining the Valahia University of Targoviste in 2011, he was a researcher at FotoNation SRL (2006-2011), researcher at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (2004-2005), DSP engineer at Lake Communication, Dublin, Ireland from 2002 to 2003, post-doctoral researcher at DSP Research Group at University College Dublin, Ireland (1999-2002) and teaching assistant at the Department of Telecommunications, University "Politehnica" from Bucharest (1993-1999). Dr. Albu participated in numerous European projects (e.g. COST (1998), ESPRIT (1999-2002), VISNET and MUHCI (2004-2005)) in several European countries (France, Ireland, and Greece). He participated or led six national research grants (RP, IDEI, PCCA, PED, and bilateral types).He is author/co-author of more than 100 journal papers, book chapters, conference papers, patents in the field of active noise control, neural networks, speech and image processing and has over 1900 citations (Google Scholar). While working at FotoNation/Tessera (www.fotonation.com) he was granted 20 U.S. patents and 2 European patents in the areas of image and video processing. They were incorporated in many top-tier digital cameras and mobile phone cameras sold worldwide. He is an IEEE Senior Member since 2013, a member of the Audio Engineering Society and Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (APSIPA), a reviewer for multiple prestigious IEEE, IET journals and conferences. He received four best paper awards at international conferences. Since 2015 he is an Associate Editor of Springer’s Pattern Analysis and Applications journal and since 2018 and academic editor of Hindawi’s Shock and Vibration journal. Prof. Felix Albu will be involved mainly in developing fast adaptive algorithms for prediction and in color image subsampling and display. His expertise as PI in a PED project is also welcomed.
- Felix ALBUDinu Coltuc is currently the Director of the Doctoral School in Engineering - Valahia University of Targoviste, and the Director of the Research Center for Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Information Technology of Valahia University. He served also as invited professor with ENSIEEE, Grenoble INP (Sept. – Nov. 2009 and Sept. – Dec. 2007), CNRS associate researcher with LIS Grenoble (Oct. 2005 – August 2006), invited professor PAST with ENSIEG – INP Grenoble (Feb. – July. 2000, Feb. – July. 2001, Feb. – July. 2002), invited professor with ESIA Univ. Savoie (Oct. – Dec. 1997, Oct. – Dec. 1998, Oct. – Dec. 1999), France, and associate researcher with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece (Nov. 1993- Feb. 1995). He has been PI or responsible in 14 research projects: 2 exploratory research projects (IDEI), 2 joint research projects, 1 CEEX with Valahia University and 9 research projects as Senior Researcher with the Research Center for Electrical Engineering, ICPE, Bucharest. He authored and coauthored over 100 papers (12 ISI Q1, 4 ISI Q2) in signal and image processing. He has over 2100 citations (Google Scholar). He is Senior Member IEEE (2011), Associate Editor with IEEE Trans. on Inf. Forensics and Security (since Nov. 2016) ISI Q1, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, ISI Q2 (since Oct. 2016). He served as reviewer for more than 20 journals (IEEE T-IP, IEEE T-SP, IEEE T-MM, IEEE SPL, etc.). Among his contributions one should mention the exact histogram specification, the papers on fast max/min algorithms, multiple fast scan access memory modules and notably the ones in reversible data hiding (more than 50 papers including state-of-the-art algorithms for prediction, low distortion schemes, high embedding bit-rates, high fidelity IPVO, encrypted, robust & fragile data hiding, etc.). He already supervised 4 PhD thesis in reversible data hiding.
- Dinu COLTUCConstantin Paleologu (Member, IEEE) was born in Romania in 1975. He received a master’s degree in telecommunications networks from the Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications, University Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB), Bucharest, Romania in 1998, and a Ph.D. degree in adaptive signal processing from UPB, in 2003. During his Ph.D. Program (from December 1999 to July 2003), he worked on adaptive filters and echo cancellation. Since October 1998, he has been with the Telecommunications Department of UPB, where he is currently a Professor. His research interests include adaptive filtering algorithms and acoustic signal processing. He co-authored the books Sparse Adaptive Filters for Echo Cancellation (Morgan and Claypool, 2010) and A Perspective on Stereophonic Acoustic Echo Cancellation (Springer-Verlag, 2011). He was the recipient of the IN HOC SIGNO VINCES Award from the Romanian National Research Council in 2009. In 2010, he also was the recipient of the IN TEMPORE OPPORTUNO Award from the University Politehnica of Bucharest and the Gheorghe Cartianu Award from the Romanian Academy.
- Constantin PALEOLOGUHenri Coanda graduated in 1993 from the Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications, University Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB), PhD 2004 in Automatics of UPB. Assoc. prof. Coanda is currently the Vice-Rector of the Valahia University of Targoviste. He is member of ARACIS, vice-chairman for Broadcasting Technology chapter of the Romanian IEEE section and responsible for VUT CISCO Academy. He has expertise in information theory, communication protocols, embedded systems. He contributed to the development of high bitrate multiple moduli reversible data hiding and to metadata embedding by RDH schemes.
- Henri-George COANDAIon Caciula has defended in 2014 a very good PhD thesis (supervised by D. Coltuc) on control distortion of RDH with publications in IEEE ICASSP, IEEE WIFS. He is currently lecturer with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Information Technology, VUT. He authored over 40 papers in his research area. He introduced optimization by linear programming in RDH and the very fruitful idea of histogram splitting and optimization on multiple histograms for low distortion RDH.
- Ion CACIULAMarius-Giorgian Ionita received a bachelor's degree in Telecommunications Technologies and Systems and a master's degree in Advanced Telecommunications Systems, Information Processing and Transmission. He is currently a PhD student in the field of Electrical Engineering, holding laboratory hours in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Information Technology of Valahia University in Targoviste. The researcher uses his programming skills to create algorithms and softwares that will be used in the following domains: image processing, applied robotics, communication and data encryption.
- Marius-Giorgian IONITA